The Beijing International Tourism Festival is an annual festival that is held to commemorate the proud culture and heritage of China. It is organized by the International Festivals and Event Association of China with the presence of many national leaders. Beijing, the capital of China is the main hub of nation’s political, cultural, scientific and educational centre housing many places of historic value and architectural beauty. This vibrant festival has a history running back to 1998 when it all began. With the participation of more than 140 countries, this colourful festival has been a big success every year.
Considered as one of the top influential festivals in China, this event offers a brilliant cultural experience with a pageant featuring performers from around the world. The 15th Beijing International Tourism Festival will commence on the 26th of September till the 30th.
The festival begins with the arrival of participants in the capital and the rehearsal. The beautiful Opening Ceremony is scheduled on the 27th. The public performances are on the 28th and 29th while on the 30th the dynamic festival comes to an end. The groups that represent each country perform two to three programs. The parade also showcases a mesmerizing standing performance in front of the VIP area.
If you are heading to the city in order to witness this amazing international event, do not miss a chance to make a trip to the enchanting places the capital is known for such as the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and the Summer Palace that will offer you a perfect cultural escape.
Accommodation in this exciting city is seemingly endless with a vast array of hotels in China to tempt you. Travellers could choose from comfortable motels to five star hotels that would pamper you to your heart’s content. Out of the Greater China hotels an ideal option would be a stay at the properties belonging to Millennium & Copthorne Hotels China that will provide you the best facilities and services. This reputed international hotel chain also has properties in the capital which let you explore this city and enjoy the very best it has to offer both in terms of business and leisure.